Suspicious Phone Habits

Suspicious Phone Habits

Boyfriend Protective of Phone A woman suspected her boyfriend of using his phone to chat with other girls. He always kept his phone near him and took it with him when he went to the bathroom. He had recently put a password on the phone so his wife could not gain access to check the…

truck driver stealing2

Employee Stealing at Work

Business Owner Wanted Proof The owner of a trucking company recently contact us because he suspected that one of his truck drivers from stealing items from the truck during his trips between Brisbane and Sydney. We recommended that a private investigator follow the driver from Brisbane to see what happened. Halfway through thr trip the…

Husband on Business Trip

Husband on Business Trip

Two Agents Confirm Wife’s Suspicions We were contacted recently by a woman who’s husband was attending a 3 day work seminar in Sydney. She already suspected something was wrong when her husband was evasive about where he was staying in Sydney and who he was staying with. She eventually found the name of the hotel…

Family Law Dispute

Family Law Dispute

Father Fighting for Custody Luke had been in a family law dispute with his ex-wife for 2 years which involved the custody of his two children. Luke wanted to spend more time with his kids, especially on fathers day which was coming up. Luke had learned that the mother had been spending time with her…

Wife Flirting with Boss

Wife Flirting with Boss

Drinks After Work Derek called us to discuss his concerns about his wife’s behaviour with her boss. The boss would text and call at all hours of the day and night and weekend. Derek suspected her boss was after hi wife’s attention for more than work reasons. We recommended that the best solution for Derek…

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Cheating Spouse

Husband Suspects Wife is Cheating Robert worked overseas regularly for work and his wife was left alone in Brisbane for weeks at a time. Robert had suspected his wife of cheating and decided to give us a call to put his mind to find out if his suspicions were correct. Firstly, Robert purchased a GPS…

Night Out on the Town

Night Out on the Town

Wife Suspects Husband is a Cheat We were contacted by a woman whose husband was always going for Friday drinks with his workmates. He would usually come home drunk generally but this one night he came home smelling of perfume. His wife suspected something was up and gave us a call. We suggested that we…

Rejected Boyfriend

Rejected Boyfriend

Covert Investigation Leads to AVO A professional woman called us recently with a problem with her car that was being vandalised on a regular occasion. It had been scratched repeatedly night after night and one of her tyres had even been slashed. She had called the police but they told her their hands were tied…